Sunday, September 18, 2016

Here it is Sunday in Dodge City, KS.  Sunday for this group is definitely not a day day of rest!  Kevin  has been working all day on cleaning the valves and timing case or some such thing (once again, if you want the full details you'll have to ask Kevin!).   He had some help this morning from Joel who came down from Fort Calhoun to see the three area riders.  He also got some help from Spike and Mark Bare as they help Paul run errands.

See this high tech tool?  Well, the maid whose cart this came from came looking for it!  So one item put on the list was a small shop vac ( which by the way cost about as much as the "rent"!).  

While Kevin and Paul have been busy working on the bike, I have had the joy of doing laundry!  The good thing,  I got a chance to update my journal and get in a workout.  I now have the route chart rolled.  Whew!  rough day!

Now that I've covered today, let me tell you about yesterday.  We had a short day of 187 miles from Wichita to Dodge City.  It started out with some very dense fog which opened up to a sunny day ending with a beautiful harvest moon.

Today was the first time Paul and I witnessed some of the people that lined the roads to watch the 
bikes go by.

This is at a Casey's as some of the other support trailers go by.  We actually started a bit after some of the riders and passed them about 15 minutes prior to this.  

We haven't had time to go sight seeing but today we got lucky enough to pass by something cool!  We stopped to take a photo and then I had Paul Google what it was.  Turns out it is M.T. Liggett's political sculptures near Mullinville.  

We checked into the hotel and dropped off all our bags before heading over to the museum to see the bikes come in.  We got a recommendation on food but I am afraid this time, not a good experience!  There will be no names mentioned but as the only two customers in there it took what I thought to be an unacceptable amount of time to get service.  We decided that we should ear light since there was a hosted meal in several hours.  We got dessert and coffee, not a hard order.  Let me just say Paul's was a frozen cheesecake and mine was some sort of flavored fluff on a semi frozen wafer layer.  We certainly had room for supper.

We got over to the museum where we had the pleasure of seeing my mom and dad!  They made an 8 hour trip to see Kevin arrive as well as the others.  I am so impressed my mom has been keeping tabs on the event and they know more about the points and such than me!  Unfortunately our time was 
short so not a great visit.  They went to go eat while we went to the hosted dinner.

The hosted dinner was from the Boot Hill restaurant ( I didn't catch the name ).   Let me say it was one of my favorites- chicken fried steak!  It was delicious!  Complete with real potatoes and green beans.  I am so glad I had room to eat it all! 

We got back to the hotel where it was time to tear into the bike and see what work was to be done.  By the end of the night everyone was more relaxed and ready to be done for a bit.  One of the nearby camps had a guitar player who could sing as well.  So this started the impromptu campfire sing along!  There was an attempt at line dancing and a chorus of kazoos to join in for a few songs! It was a beautiful night to be in the parking lot!  

As this entry ends, I have learned Kevin is still in 18th place!  There are 60 bikes still running but only 22 that have run all the miles.  Evidently the only way Kevin can move up is to suddenly age a lot or have something go wrong with the bikes in front of him.  I  wish no ill to anyone and I am so pleased to get everyday completing all the miles.  Have I mentioned how proud I am of Kevin?!  Of course I have to give a shout out to Paul who has been so helpful.  I know that both Kevin and I owe him so much and he has made both our days much easier.  Thank you, Paul. 


  1. My thoughts are wishing everything could go smooth and bike run good etc but how would you have that sense of pride and accomplishment without a challenge to overcome? Great job all of you, it takes a team and you have a great one!

  2. My thoughts are wishing everything could go smooth and bike run good etc but how would you have that sense of pride and accomplishment without a challenge to overcome? Great job all of you, it takes a team and you have a great one!
